Royalty Free Finance and Money Pictures
These are some of our most popular background photos. It seems people like pictures of bank vaults, along with falling money and coins.
And I can understand it – most people don’t have a pile of $100 bill lying around and the skill to photograph them through the air. Nor can most do the same digitally. Luckily for you, we have royalty free money pictures that are yours for the taking.
Scroll down to see our financial photo gallery. My favorite is the open vault.
When we first launched Free Media Goo almost 20 years ago, there weren’t any completely-free-to-use pictures available. We set about rectifying that. Some of these pictures are from when we first started out, while others have been added throughout the years. All of these photos are free to use without attribution – though feel free to cite us if you’d like to.
At some point, we might launch a gallery of photos that are free to use but require attribution. We’ve resisted this because we don’t want to complicate matters for our users, but it does limit the amount of photos we can offer up to you for use. For now, we’ve decided we’ll just link out to other sources that provide attribution-required citations. If you do use work from the following sources, make sure you abide by their license terms.
How to download our stock background photos:
You’ll find our selection of background photos below. We’ve included them all in a gallery format – you should be able to quickly scan and find any pictures that will work for your creative project. If you see one you wish to download, click on the picture. That will bring up the highest resolution image we have available. Since we’ve been on the web since the late 1990’s, we have photos in ALL different sizes. There was a time that 640×480 was considered high-definition, believe it or not.Right click on that image, and select “Save As…” to download the photo.If you have questions, please let us know. This site is run as a labor of love, so our response time might be measured in days rather than hours. But if we can help you with your royalty-free image question, we’ll get back to you at some point.